Welcome to the new Friends website 😊
Friends of
Shawe & Pope John
Founded in 1986 with the purpose of providing financial support for educational programs at Shawe Memorial Junior/Senior High School and Pope John XXXIII Elementary School.


In 1986, a small group of dedicated men and women in our local community organized Friends of Shawe and Pope John with a vision of providing long-term financial support to our Catholic schools. From an initial capital campaign of $500,000 to establish Friends, to our more recent Friends for the Future drive that successfully raised $2.5 million, Friends has carefully invested your donations to provide endowed funds that make yearly grants to each school and their teachers.
Our most recent Planned Giving Campaign has both increased the invested endowment to over $6 million and provided for immediate needs at both schools in the library, technology and tuition assistance. Friends strives to cultivate its donor base to continue generous gifts to the unrestricted fund in our endowment and encourages planned giving as a way to support our schools into the future.
As a 501(c)(3) supporting organization of Prince of Peace Catholic Schools, donations to Friends are tax-exempt. Learn more about Friends and the support they provide.
“I feel the education I received at Shawe prepared me well for both college and law school, as well as for my profession and life in general. Shawe provided me with not only an academic background, but also the moral and ethical foundation to succeed in life as a well-rounded person and citizen.
I am pleased that my children also received an education and foundation at Shawe that has served them well as they have begun their adult lives.”
– Rob Barlow, ‘67, Barlow Law Office


Shawe Memorial Jr./Sr. High School

Pope John XXIII Elementary School
Pope John XXIII Elementary and Shawe Memorial High School have been providing a high quality catholic education for decades. We have a beautiful campus where students kindergarten through 12th grade benefit from our successful teachers and staff. We are truly lucky to have these two schools and appreciate all of the support from our alumni and friends. Visit the school website
No matter what type of gift a donor chooses to make to Friends of Shawe and Pope John, it will mean: Increasing need-based grants, tuition assistance and academic excellence awards to current and future students, improving teaching and learning technology, upgrading the library, art, music, drama and science departments, maintaining and attracting high quality faculty and staff, and expanding resources for quality, private education.
Each year since 2006, Friends has gifted over $200,000 to Prince of Peace Schools. Gifts from Friends have been used in all areas, including Technology, Academic Enhancements, Student Tuition Assistance, Literacy Enrichment Program, Extra-Curricular Support Fund, Cafeteria Furniture, Pope John Reading Program, State of the Art Library for each School and Science Lab Improvements.
Knowledge, values and ideals are the most enduring gifts one can pass on to the next generation. They are what Prince of Peace Schools is all about. Planned giving provides an opportunity to give a gift that forever perpetuates this mission with a bequest in your will, trust or other estate planning.


Our alumni are leaders locally and around the world, and all have benefited in many ways from the funding that Friends has provided. Whether through direct scholarship & tuition assistance, educational resources or improving school facilities, our alumni help the student experience every day.
As an alum, giving to Friends is a great opportunity that ensures a Prince of Peace education is around for generations to come. Opportunity for alumni engagement include:
- Alumni reunion events
- Speaking to a class
- Making online gifts or supporting specific needs
Friends’ Alumni Committee is excited to announce “Shawe Alumni Weekend” to be celebrated each year during the Prince of Peace Schools’ Festival weekend – always in early September. All alumni are invited and encouraged to attend. Come and help create a new tradition.